Gender Equality Conference, March 7, 2019

Gender Equality Conference, March 7, 2019

Aleksandra Drecun, the President of Intersection, will moderate the panel Women’s role for a cohesive society at a seminar event For a Cohesive Europe: Gender Equality and Women’s Rights. The event the will be organized by the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council in collaboration with the Embassy of Finland and the Embassy of Croatia, as part of the EU Trio, in cooperation with the Council of Europe and UN Women.

COST genderSTE in Belgrade

COST genderSTE in Belgrade

Capacity Building Symposium for Policy Makers organized by the COST Targeted Network genderSTE was held on 24th November 2016 in Belgrade. Intersection’s vice-president Divna Vučković was one of the trainers on the topic of Gender in Horizon 2020 programmes. COST genderSTE (Gender, Science, Technology and Environment) is a network of policy makers and experts committed to promoting a fairer representation of women and better integration of gender analysis in research and innovation.

Intersection at Shift GEAR Conference

Intersection at Shift GEAR Conference

Intersection’s president Aleksandra Drecun participated at “Shift GEAR – Mainstreaming gender equality into academic and research organisations” Conference in Brussels. This high level event brought together around 170 stakeholders and decision makers in socio-economic and research policies to reflect on the situation of women and men in academic and research organisations.

Intersection at GENERA’s Governing board / Gender Experts Board meeting

Intersection at GENERA’s Governing board / Gender Experts Board meeting

Intersection participated in the combined Governing board and Gender Experts Board meeting of Genera H2020 project in Bucharest, Romania on 10th and 11th of October 2016. GENERA aims to continue, monitor and improve Gender Equality Plans of research institutions and organizations, specifically in the physics research field, and Intersection is the contact point for this project in the SEE region.

GENERA project

GENERA project

Intersection joined GENERA project (Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area) as the observer partner and serves as the contact to SEE region. GENERA is a Horizon 2020 project aiming at continuing, monitoring and improving the Gender Equality Plans of Research Institutions and Organisations specifically in the physics research field. These three actions аrе performed by a Consortium of 13 beneficiary partner Research Performing and Research Funding Organisations and a number of associate partners and observers.

Intersection at GenPORT portal Launch event

Intersection at GenPORT portal Launch event

The Working Breakfast at the European Parliament held on 21 April 2016 in Brussels, hosted by Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) of the European Commission, was dedicated to gender dimension of technology and science. This event, followed by a Stakeholder Forum, officially marked the launch of the GenPORT portal (

Intersection in GENERA H2020 project

Intersection in GENERA H2020 project

Intersection joined the GENERA H2020 project and serves as the contact to SEE region. GENERA is the Horizon 2020 project aiming at continuing, monitoring and improving the Gender Equality Plans of Research Institutions and Organizations specifically in the physics research field.

Aleksandra Drecun at GENERA conference

Aleksandra Drecun at GENERA conference

Aleksandra Drecun, the president of Intersection, was invited by the project coordinator to participate in the Conference organized by GENERA project. The Conference was dedicated to gender equality in research, having special focus on women researchers in the field of physics.

COST genderSTE Workshop, Nicosia, June 2015

COST genderSTE Workshop, Nicosia, June 2015

COST genderSTE capacity building workshop was held in Nicosia, Cyprus on June 16, 2015. COST genderSTE action is focused on gender issues in science, technology and environment. Intersection was invited to support local representatives from Cyprus, together with experts from Slovenia, Czech Republic, Great Britain and Sweden.