“Intersection. Centre for Science and Innovation” аnd partners (Archaeological Institute of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Mathematical institute, Institute for Nature Protection, and Centre for New Technologies) are organizing a summer science camp for children at the Viminacium archeological site in Serbia. The camp is structured as a 3-day intensive program of workshops, completed by close to 150 schoolchildren during the summer of 2015.
COST genderSTE Workshop, Nicosia, June 2015

COST genderSTE capacity building workshop was held in Nicosia, Cyprus on June 16, 2015. COST genderSTE action is focused on gender issues in science, technology and environment. Intersection was invited to support local representatives from Cyprus, together with experts from Slovenia, Czech Republic, Great Britain and Sweden.
Science camp Viminacium

The science camp “Viminacium” is held during the summer holiday in the archaeological and paleontological site Viminacium. The camp is organized by the Centre for Science and Innovation Intersection in cooperation with renowned scientific and educational institutions: the Archaeological Institute SANU, the Mathematical Institute of SANU and the Centre for New Technologies.
Intersection at Ecsite Annual Conference 2015 in Trento, Italy

The 2015 Ecsite Annual Conference took place in Trento, Italy, on 11-13 June. It gathered 1.101 participants from 52 different countries, making it the largest Ecsite Annual Conference ever. The appetizing title “Food for curious minds” successfully illustrated the creativity, positive energy and fresh ideas shared during the event hosted by MUSE. Intersection took part in different streams of activities.