Aleksandra Drecun, President of Intersection and the Board Member of European Science Engagement Association (EUSEA) participated in EUSEA Annual Conference 2017, in Leuven. The conference was held under the motto “Beyond HORIZONs – Framing the Future” and gathered around 80 participants from all across Europe, as well as from Egypt, Korea and Russia in an inspiring and dynamic event.
Robotisation of Serbia

This year, too, Intersection organises, in cooperation with the team from the University of Belgrade School of Electrical Engineering, and under the auspices of the Center for the Promotion of Science, numerous activities within the project “Robotisation of Serbia”, aimed to draw robotics and engineering closer to the youth, especially in the interior of Serbia.
Europe Day Conference: Rise of Creative Industries in Serbia and the EU

On the occasion of Europe Day, we invite you to the Conference, to be held on 8 May 2017, organized by FEFA and Intersection as a co-organizer. This year, our attention is focused on the development of creative industries in Serbia. We will have the opportunity to listen to and discuss with a number of prominent people from various domains of creative work – art, science and innovation. The Conference is supported by the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, TEMPUS program and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as by numerous partner organizations.
Cooperation with National Science Foundation
NUCLEUS project

Intersection is involved in Horizon 2020 NUCLEUS project that investigates how to make Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) a reality in universities and research institutions. The answers to the questions like: what institutional barriers prevent these organisations from engaging with their stakeholders to align research with society’s needs and how can these obstacles be overcome, will give the directions for the establishment of the first Embedded Nucleus in Serbia, being one out of 30 international NUCLEUS test sites.
PhD student and Post-Doc opportunities at CEITEC
NSF Workshop on Data Science in Belgrade

Intersection, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), is engaged in enhancing US-Serbia research cooperation. Two meetings were held at the NSF headquarters in Washington D.C., followed by an official mission of this highest U.S. research funding institution to Serbia.
Workshop on Emerging Trends in Data Science at Temple University
COST genderSTE in Belgrade

Capacity Building Symposium for Policy Makers organized by the COST Targeted Network genderSTE was held on 24th November 2016 in Belgrade. Intersection’s vice-president Divna Vučković was one of the trainers on the topic of Gender in Horizon 2020 programmes. COST genderSTE (Gender, Science, Technology and Environment) is a network of policy makers and experts committed to promoting a fairer representation of women and better integration of gender analysis in research and innovation.
Intersection at the key Conference “SECID – Spreading Excellence and Crossing the Innovation Divide”

Aleksandra Drecun, Intersection’s president, participated in the Conference “SECID – Spreading Excellence and Crossing the Innovation Divide Conference” in Brussels. The overall objective of SECID 2016 conference was to provide a platform for stakeholders to have an in-depth discussion on the role of excellence in European research and innovation as well as opportunities presented through Horizon 2020 and ESIF (European Structural & Investment Funds) for crossing the innovation gap between countries, regions, research institutions, universities, and enterprises.