DEBATE SCIENCE! European Student Parliaments project is for the third time coordinated by Intersection in Serbia. This successful project aimed at promoting evidence based policies and involvement of young people in democratic processes is recognized by the European institutions and selected for funding by the EC DG R&I H2020 program.
Public consultation on EU funds
Time has come again to join forces to gather common stand points and arguments to feed into the “Public consultation on EU funds in the area of investment, research & innovation, SMEs and single market” as well as to forthcoming consultations and negotiations regarding FP9. The event was organised by SiS.net2, and our friends at the Swedish National Advocacy Platform for SwafS.
Intersection participates at the next ECSITE Annual Conference
Intersection participates at the ECSITE Annual Conference “Creative Collisions” panel discussions on 7-9 June 2018 in Geneva. Intersection president Aleksandra Drecun will be a speaker at the session “Coordinating national initiatives of science communication”.
Intersection at Harvard Innovation Lab (HI)
We exchanged ideas with dear colleagues and Harvard students working in the great Harvard Innovation Lab (HI). The Harvard Innovation Labs is a unique collaboration and education space designed to foster entrepreneurship and innovation, a role model for those looking for ways to engage with issues facing the world.
Intersection at H2020 SwafS meeting in Brussels
Intersection participated at H2020 SwafS meeting in Brussels, organized by the European Commission. We met with colleagues from all over Europe interested in responsible research and innovation projects and agreed on future consortia.
Intersection Youth member, Đorđe Ogrizović, received the Saint Sava Award
Intersection Youth member, Đorđe Ogrizović, received the Saint Sava Award, the highest Serbian national educational and scientific award for the contribution to Serbia’s development in these areas, awarded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. Congratulations Đorđe!
Lecture on Gender and Research at the Chalmers University of Technology
Aleksandra Drecun gave a lecture on Gender and Research, with the focus on gendered innovations, at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.
EUSEA Board meeting
European Science Engagement Association (EUSEA) Board meeting was held in Trieste, Italy, at Media Lab, at the International School for Advanced Studies. The Board еlaborated EUSEA’s next activities at European level, accepted new members to this prominent network and selected the panels for the Annual EUSEA European Science Engagement Conference to be held in Madrid in May 2018.
Donоrs’ Еvening of Mathematical Grammar School
In December 2017 Intersection supported the donors’ evening of Mathematical Grammar School. Former students and friends of the Gymnasium gathered with the desire to connect alumni of different generations, and raise funds for present students and their participation in international competitions in the coming year.
Intersection Youth Meeting
The Intersection Youth мeeting was held at our premise to prepare the “DEBATE SCIENCE! European Student Parliaments 2018” national activities as the part of this Horizon 2020 project.