SenZations, IoT Summer School will be held in Belgrade, from August 30th to September 5th 2015. Initiator and the main organizer of the School is DunavNET, company that is one of the pioneers behind the world IoT Forum and the coordinator of numerous European projects in this field, while Intersection is one of the co-organizers.
The goal of the school is to combine interesting topics, great lecturers from academia and industry and amazing students, to work hard and enjoy even more while learning about the latest developments in the IoT world, creating new contacts and initiating new projects. The participants come from all over the world. They spend 6 days (and nights) together, providing ample time to work, talk, discuss with fellow students and lecturers.
Program will consist of two parts: Technology and Business Track. The business savvy guys will co-create with computer geeks for an even richer experience. Also, during the school the FP7 SocIoTal project will launch its platform. The SocIoTal researchers will be around to give tutorials and help with building services on top of the platform. The participants will learn about smart city services and what is being done in this domain worldwide and discover what to expect from combination of two new technologies – IoT and augmented reality. Together they will explore data privacy and security issues, such as who can access and use data generated by your sensors. Finally, the participants will learn how to leverage on sharing economy and build IoT startups.
The School will be open for public on September 4th, with the aim to provide the opportunity for young researchers and engineers to learn about the technologies of the future. In the morning session new IoT applications in smart cities and agriculture will be presented, as well as examples od European IoT solutions and pilot projects. In the afternoon the participants of School will present their projects and the best project ideas will be awarded. Join us!
See the list of lecturers: