Based in Belgrade, Serbia, “Intersection. Centre for Science and Innovation” is an international action tank, a non-profit civil society association, established to promote responsible research and innovation, quality education, evidence based policies and good governance and to strengthen the link between science and society, with special focus on Central and Southeastern Europe. Intersection has 150 active members, coming from research and educational organizations, the public sector, as well as companies and civic organizations contributing to the field of Science and Society.
This pool of experts in research and innovation, policy creation, advocacy and science engagement from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Albania, Hungary, Romania and other countries, supported by a prominent international Advisory Board, has joined forces with the aim to use regional synergies to multiply impact of national efforts in building knowledge and creativity based societies. Intersection initiates and stimulates research and dialogue on important societal challenges, advocates for structural changes in research performing and research funding organizations in order to advance the integration of RRI policy in their agendas and supports open discussion and co-creation in research and innovation processes.
Members of Intersection have previously participated in a number of innovative research and cooperation projects funded by the European Commission, regional initiatives and national grants in natural, technical and social sciences and humanities, Science and Society, Culture, Comenius, COST, Tempus, Creative Europe, Erasmus+ and other EU programs (e.g. FP7 RRI Tools, FP7 SATORI, FINHED, LLP V-Alert, OpenArch, T-Pass, Comenius Sci Camps, FP7 Smart Santander, EUSP, CREAT-IT, PLACES, OutSmart etc.) thus jointly contributing to the valuable knowledge base, competence and expertise of this action tank.
Intersection has extensive knowledge base, profound understanding and expertise on the topics of research ethics, gender and science, especially on gendered research and innovation, open access, STEM education, science communication, science engagement, science and innovation policy creation, as well as experience in organizing collaborative research, science promotion and dissemination events: focus groups, international conferences, seminars, training sessions, public debates, workshops, science camps, innovation and makers labs, science festivals, national competitions, stakeholders consultations, and media campaigns.
The organization has, through its members, a wide regional network and excellent contacts with SEE leading science policy makers, senior management of research and educational institutions, media and private sector. Also, being itself a CSO, Intersection has proactive cooperation with civil society organizations, professional associations, student networks and a great number of volunteers.
Grid Singularity Co-Founder
Ecotech Solutions
technology, management and design expert
Belgrade, Serbia
Assistant Director,
Novi Sad, Serbia
Belgrade, Serbia
Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Serbia
Labour Law and Gender Specialist, Belgrade, Serbia
Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Niš
Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia
International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Institute for European Politics, Berlin, Germany
Banja Luka,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
National Institute of Biology,
KU Leuven, Belgium
Past President of the Board of ECSITE
of Halle, Germany
The Fletcher School at
Tufts University, US
at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland